

It's kind of a well-kept secret that I'm a crier. On the outside, I love to crack jokes and do goofy things to get you to smile for It's kind of a well-kept secret that I'm a crier. On the outside, I love to crack jokes and do goofy things to get you to smile for photos, but I'm like a toasted marshmallow: crunchy on the outside and warm and mushy on the inside. I cried when a bride's grandpa sang to the couple at their reception. Heck, just this morning I cried tears of joy at a stranger's Disney-themed gender reveal on Facebook. And let me just tell you, me sobbing at my desk earned some strange looks from my officemate—a cranky old ginger kitty named Bumper. Anyway…those are the kind of memories I want to to preserve for you though my photography.

Apr 2014
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