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    The 14 Reasons Why Kickball Is The Greatest Sport Ever

    We all want to have more fun. This is why kickball might be the greatest thing to do with your friends.

    1. Post game happy hours that the entire league attends.

    2. You can play while drinking a beer

    3. You get to wear outfits you could never wear anywhere else

    4. You can relive the glory days of childhood sports

    5. The relationships that can start and grow...

    6. You can spend hours thinking of the perfect team name

    7. Post game Karaoke

    8. The opportunity to taunt your competition on social media.

    9. You can collect awesome kickball cards

    10. The social outings that only kickball people can create….

    11. Just because you're a parent dosen't mean you can't play too

    12. Your team has it's own giant engraved flask

    13. Your team could make the paper!

    14. Winning teams take home trophies