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    A Set Photo From "Captain America: Civil War" Became A Meme Almost Overnight

    Well, we needed something to do while waiting for the trailer that never came.

    The latest Captain America: Civil War meme started out innocently enough.

    It seemed like a dream come true for fans, and then people started adding captions

    It is a glorious sight to behold, Captain America's two wingmen (and, in the comics, his successors)

    And then people got creative with Photoshop

    Few people, it seemed, were paying attention to what they were wearing or speculating about what they were doing

    Some were running with Sam and Bucky

    Others were running from them

    They even made running away look cool...

    We even saw a few of their Marvel co-stars running with them

    People who wanted to minimize spoilers for the anticipated film ended up just rolling with it

    We know that Anthony and Sebastian are BFFs offsceen, so seeing them working together is a real treat

    Captain America: Civil War comes out May 6, 2016.