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    Your 20s: Expectations Vs. Reality

    With class in full swing for just about everyone still sheltered from the real world by their learning institution (or is that just us hiding from adulthood behind school?) and summer’s general joie de vivre officially snuffed out by autumn winds, we’re all reminded that it’s once again time to buckle down and work. But this isn’t what we thought our twenties would involve, right? It gets easier, right?

    Expectation: Married right after undergrad (like all of our other friends).

    Expectation: Our lives would be totally together, we’d have a super important job, and be on the track to greatness by 25 AT THE LATEST!

    Expectation: We would effortlessly straighten our hair every day—with no amount of frizz.

    Expectation: Acne would come to an end and our faces would cease their oily shenanigans.

    Expectation: Life would calm down and we’d have life figured out.

    Expectation: Professors and supervisors wouldn’t make us cry.

    Expectation: We’d have a regular exercise routine and we’d no longer eat frozen pizzas and ramen.

    Expectation: Having a master’s degree (or higher) would make us invincible in the job hunt.

    Expectation: We’d pretty much have everything figured out. Nothing could stand in our way, because we outlined all the things to result in the perfectly put together life.

    Expectation: Our social life would be brimming with exciting cocktail parties, business dinners and fun outings.

    Expectation: We’re finally adults, and our parents and family members will treat us with grown-up-like respect.

    Expectation: We’re super smart humans that know everything, after all, we didn’t just do 20-some years of schooling and end up with Master’s degrees for nothing did we?