

live in the bayside suburb of beautiful Melbourne with my darling Mez, my two kitties Doobie (named after the Doobie Brothers: 19 years old b&w) and Sappho (named after the Greek poet: 9 years old black), the six gold fish Gertrude, Livingstone, Benny, Nemo & Delilah and numerous magpies, crows and honeyeaters, plus little bugs and creepy crawlies. I wanted to be SEEN. I want to interact and not shy away from life or people anymore. Didn't much like people when I was younger, but that's so long ago and I want to drop that coat that I've been dragging around forever. The world is incredible, there are so many people out there to interact with, learn from, laugh with, love with and I want to present myself to lots of different people through this page. I'm in a stage of my life where I'm looking for more: looking to find a career, my life purpose, something that makes my heart sing and also pays me beautifully so I can do all the wonderful things I desire to do and am here to do. I imagine working with incredible, creative souls who love every day doing what they do, a healthy eco environment where people care about what they do with trash, look at the impact of their actions, offer much to the community, create and inspire like: arts/movies/music/clothing/textiles/colour/travel/animals/ stationery/ anything that its beautiful. I realise I love working with others, seeker souls who live outside the normal mainstream. I'm throwing my self to the wind and seeing where I land, look out for me ~ and those looking for incredible people to work with them in one of those above areas, please contact me! I once heard a man say that the richest place on earth was the graveyard. It's filled to the top of songs that were never sung and heard, books that were never written and read, movies that were never directed and seen. Don't add to this graveyard. Share your gift with the world while you still can

Oct 2010
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