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10 Avatars We Wish We Could Meet In Real Life

Let's make them come to life, please.

LINE PLAY has all these adorable avatar creatures and humans wandering around, and we wandered around and met them.

But here's the thing: We kinda wish we could meet them in real life too.

1. Banana Man

We'd go camping on an island together and stay out of direct sunlight so he didn't turn brown. He would ask us never to drink banana smoothies again, and we'd promise not to.

2. Avatar PSY

3. Sugar Bon Bon

4. Brown the Bear

We'd take him to the movies to cheer him up. He's always looking so sad. WHY SO SAD, BROWN? Then we'd give him some tissues for those bubbles coming out of his nose because that's embarrassing, Brown.

5. Captain Crowd Lu

6. Cherng Guy

7. Gramma Wizard

8. Hello Kitty

We'd pick strawberries in her garden and then make strawberry cheesecake together. We'd ask her if she's a girl or a cat, but we'd remind her that we still love her no matter what she is.

9. Baby Coco & Natsu

10. The Cookie

All images courtesy of LINE PLAY

Download LINE PLAY to create your own avatar and eat pancakes with a monkey!

View this video on YouTube

You can do all the other things too, of course. And you will avatar-iffic time.