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    Welcome To An Army Of Opera Singers

    Once upon a time, a rag-tag group of young opera singers in Boston decided to start a company. 8 years, 150 members and 17 shows later, Boston Opera Collaborative has made its mark on the Boston music community by daring to be different. Now let's go back...all the way back...

    The year is 2005. Opera is becoming increasingly difficult for young singers to break into. And iPhones don't exist yet. It's a scary world...

    Three founders and 17 more original members set to work to produce a Valentine’s Day concert in February of 2006, followed by their first full mainstage in August of 2006, Gluck's Iphigénie en Aulide.

    It seemed kind of crazy, opera singers running their own company.

    Flash Forward 8 years...

    A Little Night Music, 2010

    BOC is only here today because of the hard work of those 20 founding members, the nearly 150 that have come through the membership since, and now YOU.

    This opera company is now your opera company.

    This opera company is different.

    This experience is about more than adding a couple of roles to your resume.

    This is about making opera without anyone’s permission.

    About joining an ARMY of opera singers.

    About making connections...

    This is the smallest group of singers to make up the membership since the company’s founding.

    You were chosen not only for your considerable talent, but for your capacity to make BOC your own.

    *Mic Drop*