16 Times The Simpsons Gave You Material For Your Gender Studies Midterm

    "If you were a boy, you'd be a scientist."

    1. When Homer demonstrated gender as performance:

    2. When Lisa confronted sexism:

    3. When these kids called out the ridiculousness of using "gay" as an insult:

    4. Every time Smithers had to confront his sexuality:

    5. When this man respected Marge's consent:

    6. When this happened:

    7. And this:

    8. When Homer deftly pointed out gender inequities:

    9. When Bart complained about his ovaries:

    10. When Queen Elizabeth decided gender wasn't a deciding factor in her attraction:

    11. When Homer casually announced this:

    12. When Bart chose Millhouse over some girl:

    13. When Martin was Martin:

    14. And Ralph was Star Wars:

    15. When people constantly cross-dressed:

    16. And, of course, when Marge opened up the world to Bart.