The 18 Most Clever Delia's Taglines Of The '90s

    ReMemBEr tHosE QUirkY pHrAsEs?

    1. 'Twas a sad day indeed, the day the class clown wrote Disney a fat check.

    2. Sort of like that scene from Hocus Pocus when the Sanderson Sisters suck the life out of that little girl.

    3. Truth: Parallel parking is a bitch.

    4. Torrential downpour of goddess headed to your area.

    5. Yeah I fucking love broccoli now leave me the fuck alone.

    6. Maybe = excuse me while I go write in my LiveJournal about how everyone is dumb.

    7. You have to be high to truly get the meaning of these lines.

    8. Flipping instead of flopping was like major '90s girl faux pas. (Or so it would seem.)

    9. See the time machine section.

    10. "Now that's fresh!" she said as she face-planted on the slope.

    11. Here's the 411:

    12. oK.

    13. This is literally every couple you've ever met.

    14. Say whatttt?

    15. Get it? Not like actually going to summer school, but like the summer is your own school? Yes OK? I shut up now.

    16. If her desk at school as a front lawn, her locker prolly has a Costco, know what I'm sayin'?

    17. He's so RAW, he's still alive when you eat him.

    18. And this is how every Delia's girl regards life: Huh. It is a multi-faceted term with many meanings. Just like you.