"Jack" Is Actually The Saddest, Most Terrifying Kids' Movie Ever

    In 1996, Robin Williams played a 10-year-old who looked 40 due to a rare condition. Francis Ford Coppola directed it. (Really.)

    Jack is the story of a child born with a condition that makes him age four times the normal rate. It is supposed to be a family-friendly tale about a grown man who is a child (which is supposed to be funny) and "living life to its fullest."

    It starts here, in the delivery room, with Jack's mom giving birth a mere two months into her pregnancy. She's scared shitless.

    And then Jack's parents have to go through finding this out. WTF. This movie is so sad.

    He looks adorable now, but by the time he is 10, Jack will look like a full grown man.

    And so, 10 years later, Jack does look like a middle-aged man. He looks just like Robin Williams.

    But he still has bad dreams so his parents let him sleep in their bed. This has to be awkward.

    And he needs his father — who is pretty much the same age as his son (physically) — to help him shave.

    Once Jack's parents allow him to go to school, he at first has a hard time fitting in. Because of course it is weird to have a 45-year-old man playing on the school playground.

    And he makes scary cat sounds at the kids. This isn't freaky, though. It's sad. Because he knows he's a freak.

    But eventually, he does make friends.

    Things are going okay until Jack begins to understand what this all means. This can't be good.

    And now that he's getting good at math, he realizes the utterly devastating reality that is his life.

    Oh my God. And there's nothing we can do.

    And when he asks his teacher to the dance, you realize it actually makes sense that he'd ask her.

    Oh, God. That look. That face.

    Especially now.

    Definitely now.

    Just when you think it can't get any worse, he winds up in jail and he's not even a teenager.

    And then he becomes so depressed that he stays inside and begins resembling a mountain man.

    In the end, Jack graduates high school and gives the valedictorian speech. We're supposed to feel happy for him.

    And because that was so sad, here's a picture of some impossibly cute puppies.