15 Bumper Stickers All Twentysomethings Need

    Brake for pizza.

    1. Because Tinder isn't all bad...right?

    2. Because you have a lot of emotional (and financial) baggage:

    3. Because the poop emoji solves everything:

    4. Because if anyone — literally anyone — knows this answer, you'd like to hear about it:

    5. Because this is where you park every Saturday night:

    6. Because you care more about pizza than the people you're dating:

    7. Because people who use this filter need to go to h-e-double-hockey-sticks:

    8. Because every VM notification is worse than The Ring:

    9. Because House of Cards is there for you:

    10. Because we all should just get along:

    11. Because you're the only one who knows this means:

    12. Because young parents on Facebook are out of control:

    13. Because it's just too easy these days to bail:

    14. Because you do it for the Vine:

    15. Because you're ready to get out of your twenties: