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    What The Super Bowl Is Like To People Who Don't Care About Sports

    No, that doesn't mean I live for the commercials either.

    1. This is actually what every sport is to you

    2. You are much more interested in the Puppy Bowl

    3. People are shocked when you say you don't care about the Super Bowl

    4. They tell you how not liking the Super Bowl is "un-American" and you're just like

    5. You've lacked enthusiasm for sports since gym class

    6. People assume that not caring about the games means that you LOVE the commercials

    7. Everyone else watching the game is going crazy

    8. And you're just like this

    9. When you are watching, you spend your time trying to figure out which team is which

    10. Last year, you didn't understand why there was a football game during a Beyoncé concert

    11. You don't get why your friends are rooting for teams they were rooting against before

    12. The game is finally finished!

    13. But then you remember this is all people and the news will be talking about for the next few days.