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How Well Do You Remember The Opening Of "The Raccoons"?

Channel your inner Canadian child.

The creator of The Raccoons, a beloved retro Canadian cartoon, is reportedly plotting a comeback. But how well do you remember the show's opening?

  1. 1. "This is the __________ Forest."

    CBC / Via youtu.be
  2. 2. "Quiet, peaceful, _________."

    CBC / Via youtu.be
  3. 3. "That is until _____ Raccoon wakes up."

    CBC / Via youtu.be
  4. 4. "Luckily, he has some _______ _______ to help him out."

    CBC / Via youtu.be
  5. 5. "Life would be simple in the forest except for ______ _______."

    CBC / Via youtu.be
  6. 6. "And his life would ___________ except for: The Raccoons!"

    CBC / Via youtu.be

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