Sports Direct Mugs Are Taking Over Britain's Offices

    Who brought them here? What do they want?

    It has come to people's attention that there is a Sports Direct mug lurking in every office in the UK.

    Is it a rule that every office must have one unnecessarily large Sports Direct mug in the kitchen?

    Is there any office left in the country that doesn't contain an oversized Sports Direct mug?

    Just spied a massive Sports Direct mug in the office. It's true, they ARE in every office in the country.

    The epidemic also seems to have spread to non-office-based workplaces like building sites and schools.

    But nobody seems to know how they got there, nor does anybody seem to like them very much.

    Dear god why can't you all just understand that the Sports Direct mug is a monstrosity that should be eliminated?!

    Fire drill in the office, least I hope it is. If it's an actual fire then the Sports Direct mug will be lost for ever. #nooooo #whyGodwhy

    The seemingly ubiquitous mug is available for just £1.50 from Sports Direct shops and their website, but who is going out of their way to buy them?

    Some suspect the epidemic could spread beyond the UK.

    @goulcher @BangerJonny starting to wonder if there's an office in the world without a Sports Direct mug

    Some have looked to celebrities to discover the secret of their omnipresence.

    @laurenlaverne why does every office have a sports direct mug?

    But for some, the reliable sight of a Sports Direct mug in the office cupboard is a source of comfort.

    Doesn't matter what office I'm in, drinking tea out of a huge Sports Direct mug makes me feel "home".

    Others have wondered if it spurs people on through the grey drudgery of office life.

    ‏Shoutouts to Sports Direct and their £1 gargantuan mug. Powering most of British office work this.

    The practical benefits of a giant mug in an office of limited culinary resource have not gone unnoticed.

    The office Sports Direct mug is allowing me to easily measure my tea consumption in litres. (1.5 today already in case you're wondering)

    No bowls so I've had to make porridge in the obligatory office big sports direct mug.

    You could say that the Sports Direct mug and spreadsheet has come to be a tableau of modern British working life.

    But the question remains: Who brought them here?

    What do they want?

    Will they ever go away?!