19 Things You Did In Secondary School That Would Get You Sacked At Work

    Snogging and drawing biro tattoos? Get out

    1. Engaging in extreme PDAs.

    2. Playing stupid tricks.

    3. Being really blatant about not doing any work.

    4. Skiving off bits of the day.

    5. Passing notes to your friends.

    6. Scratching "important thoughts" into your desk.

    7. Accidentally calling your superiors "mum".

    8. Copying the person next to you's work.

    9. Only eating food from the vending machine.

    10. Asking a superior if you can go to the toilet.

    11. Drawing "biro tattoos" on your arms when you're bored.

    12. Having parents evening.

    13. Swinging back on your chair.

    14. Tippexing all over your mate's bag.

    15. Drawing dicks on things.

    16. Embarrassing yourself at the school disco.

    17. Making a massive drama out of everything.

    18. Slyly keeping one earbud in to listen to music in lessons.

    19. Starting rumours.