The #GirlsWithGluten Instagram Account Is Celebrating Our True Love Of Carbs

    Green smoothies look gross in pictures anyway.

    In a sea of smug "wellness" boasts, a carb-loving revolt is happening on Instagram with people hash-tagging pictures of themselves eating pizza, burgers and such with #GirlsLoveGluten.

    This girl sees your #avotoast (on gluten-free rye, duh), and raises you, a sweet, sweet doughnut.

    #GirlsWithGluten was started by an Instagram account of the same name and features submissions that use the hashtag as well as celebrities enjoying normal, hearty food.

    There's a whole lot of people eating pizza.

    Because who doesn't love pizza?

    Gisele loves pizza. ❤️🍕

    "Have your cake and eat it, too 🍰," the bio reads.

    Thanks to the popularity of sites like Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop, the concept of “wellness” has grown massively in recent years, but the movement is beginning to experience a backlash.

    Journalist Hadley Freeman recently wrote in The Guardian that the pursuit of "wellness" was less about health, and more about "that crucial point on the Venn diagram between aspiration, self-love and slimness."

    While the response to #GirlsWithGluten is mostly positive, there is an inevitable crossover with another popular Instagram account, YouDidNotEatThat.