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    16 Things Midwesterners Are Tired Of Hearing

    No, we don't go cow tipping.

    1. We all drive trucks.

    2. We love to go cow tipping.

    3. County fairs are the highlight of the year.

    4. We are all a bunch of rednecks.

    5. We live for country music.

    6. And cheap beer.

    7. All of our parties are in barns or in a field. And at these parties, we play corn hole.

    8. We are all incredibly conservative.

    9. We never want to leave our town, much less our state.

    10. We eat copious amounts of cheese.

    11. And our constant consumption of fast food is making us fat.

    12. We deep fry everything and dip 99% of our food in Ranch dressing.

    13. We're poor.

    14. And we're uneducated.

    15. The midwest is just a bunch of cornfields and wide open spaces.

    16. And we drive tractors to school.