This Is For Everyone Who Doesn't Know About Golden Gaytimes

    Non-Australians, gather round.

    Have you heard the words "Golden Gaytime" before?

    And did you immediately assume it's something to do with sex, or sexual orientation – or maybe just having a gay old time in the sun?

    Well, this is a Golden Gaytime.

    It's an Australian ice cream. And it's BLOODY DELICIOUS.

    It's toffee and vanilla flavoured ice cream, dipped in chocolate and then coated in crushed biscuits.


    But for people unfamiliar with the glorious Golden Gaytime, the name can sound kinda funny.

    australianssss what is a golden gaytime

    It's caused all kinds of confusion for non-Australians.

    But ice cream company Streets doesn't seem to mind, sticking with the iconic slogan "It's hard to have a gaytime on your own" through thick and thin.

    And this description on the take-home pack.

    Some people laugh when they hear the name.

    @StuartGoodman6 Meh. I found an ice cream once called Golden Gaytime πŸ˜‚

    Some people are let down gently.

    Some people are generally pretty sceptical of Australia's ice cream advertising.

    But we don't care.

    Gaytimes are fucking great.

    And, as a country, we back the name.

    Long live the Golden Gaytime... and remember, it's hard to have one on your own. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰