29 Struggles All Girls Who Went To Boarding School Will Understand

    Get ready for tinea!

    1. The food is often really questionable.

    2. But keeping food in the communal fridge is an equally dangerous endeavor.

    3. Without a parent to help mend your clothes, you’re forced to turn to other means...

    4. ...like staplers to keep up those pesky skirt hems.

    Why actually hem your school skirt when you have a stapler? #CatholicSchoolGirlProbs

    Or duct tape. Or gum. Shhhh.

    5. And using permanent texta to color in smudges on your school shoes.

    6. If you get lumped with the bed closest to the door, you have to yell “Don’t come ‘round!” before you strip off and get changed.

    7. In fact, you learn that privacy is a privilege, not a right, pretty damn fast.

    8. The actual worst is rocking up at the bathroom in a towel in peak shower time only to find all the cubicles are full.

    9. And someone stealing your towel while you’re in the shower.

    10. Also, if you lose your thongs – get ready for tinea.

    11. You regularly have fire drills – not to mention actual evacuations – from your own home.

    12. Trying to use Facebook when it’s blocked during certain hours is a CONSTANT struggle.

    13. And there is a constant fear the school’s internet monitoring will come back to bite you one day.

    14. The school nurse has seen so much bullshit in her time that it’s basically impossible to fake needing a day off.

    In fact, half the time when you're actually unwell, you have to go to school anyway.

    15. You have to go to chapel every week. Or every day, depending on how religious your school was.

    16. Mandatory study after dinner is the longest two hours of your life.

    17. You become a window-minimising ninja from closing whichever game the boarders are currently obsessed with whenever a tutor walks by.

    18. The boarding house is ALWAYS NOISY.

    19. And finding a place to just be by yourself for a little while can be hard too.

    20. Handing in your phone and laptop overnight is the most heart-wrenching moment.

    21. Getting approval to go out on the weekends is the most convoluted process in the world.

    22. When you fight with your bestie, there’s nowhere to escape to.

    23. When you have a crush on someone it’s even worse. You literally have to live with them.

    24. And if you’re actually gay, people assume it’s just because you boarded at an all girls school.

    25. If you're from the country, all the day girls think you're a massive bogan.

    26. And some of them think you were sent away to boarding school because you were a problem child.

    27. The teachers feel sorry for you, as if you’ve been totally neglected.

    28. But even though living in a boarding house drives you up the wall sometimes...

    29. ...your boarder friends are your true squad – and living with them is the best.

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