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    How It Feels To Do "Insanity" For The First Time

    No one looks that happy while exercising, Shaun T.

    So, you finally get around to that "I'm gonna get into shape!" New Year's resolution.

    You've tried the whole running thing, the yoga craze, and possibly, juice cleanses.

    So you start thinking about giving up....BUT WAIT.

    A friend/colleague/the internet tells you about Insanity.

    They tell you all about Shaun T and his workout videos.

    You even watch some of the promo clips, and gaze in awe of how fit and attractive everyone is.

    They tell you that either A) they've tried it and failed or B) it is their go-to workout regime and they look kick-ass because of it.

    You decide to take on the Insanity Challenge, and are determined to finish all the way through.

    Two-Month Plan? Piece of Cake!

    Day 1: Fitness Test. Doesn't seem THAT hard...

    Day 2: Plyometric Cardio Circuit.

    Day 3: Cardio Power and Resistance

    Day 4: Cardio Recovery

    Day 5: Pure Cardio.

    You decide 5 days has been MORE than enough, and fully accept your decision to quit.

    Oh, well, there's always next month...or year.

    But for now, this just means more time for pizza!!!