
K. T. Edwards

K. T. Edwards is the author of the humorous non-fiction narrative "Whatever Happened To Romance?" K.T. Edwards discovered her passion for writing at the tender age of five, when she began documenting her musings on the boys she had crushes on. She later pursued her love of writing by graduating from Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada with a degree in Media Production and English. After graduation, K. T. Edwards landed herself a job writing advice articles for women who were looking for love. A year later she was approached by a publisher to write a self-help book but turned it down as she had yet to figure out the key to finding a Prince Charming that wasn't completely deranged. K. T. Edwards believes that the dating game is harder than it's ever been but that true love does still exist. Sometimes it takes a lot of wrong decisions before you find your Mr. Right. K. T. Edwards, is currently located in Toronto, Canada, where she lives with her boyfriend and no longer brings home stray men. Being an animal activist, she's bringing home stray dogs instead.

Dec 2014
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