28 Struggles Every Metro North Commuter Knows All Too Well

    Please watch the gap between the train and the platform.

    1. Paying for a monthly pass.

    2. Not paying for a monthly pass.

    3. Trying to escape the loud talkers.

    4. And forgetting your headphones.

    5. Pleading with the conductor when you forget your ticket.

    6. Overcrowded trains.

    7. Missing the last train home at 1:53 AM.

    8. Waiting for the first train that doesn't leave until 5:35 AM.

    9. Drunk people on the train.

    This is the beginning of a live-tweeting session of drunk people on the Metro-North

    Yo, dad, I really need to pee. You know how many times on the train back from the city I peed between the cars?

    I've been drinking since 7:30am. You have no idea. Are my eyes bloodshot?

    10. Hearing the two dreaded words: signal issues.

    11. Power outages.

    12. Weather delays.

    13. Regular delays.

    14. Accidentally sitting in the quiet car with a friend.

    15. Walking through Grand Central between 5:00 and 7:00 pm on a weekday.

    16. And getting run over by people on your way to the train.

    17. When you finally find your track and realize you'll be riding on an old train.

    18. Which means you probably can't charge your phone.

    I discovered the secret electrical outlet on the old Metro North trains. Fingers crossed the seat's not occupied. I've got 22% left.

    19. Not having anywhere to sit.

    20. When someone spills their coffee all over the floor.

    21. When someone's bag takes up a whole seat.

    22. People who use an entire 4-person seater for only themselves.

    23. Trying to make eye contact when you're looking for a seat.

    24. Trying NOT to make eye contact when someone else is looking for a seat.

    25. Sitting near the bathroom.

    26. Sleeping through your stop.

    27. Losing service in the tunnel before arriving at Grand Central Station.

    28. Waking up every morning knowing what lies ahead of you.