Alice From "Alice In Wonderland" Is The Worst Disney Character Of All Time

    "Curiosity often leads to trouble." NO SHIT, ALICE.

    So, here's the thing: Alice from Alice in Wonderland is pretty, inspirationally carefree, and all that good stuff...

    ...But she's also undeniably one of the most annoying Disney characters of all time.

    Alice had her moments of wisdom and kind of knew exactly what was bad for her.

    But regardless, she still didn't have the good sense to stay away from trouble.

    Instead, she constantly found herself getting into it.

    And had the audacity to be surprised when everything went completely, totally wrong.

    What did you think was going to happen, Alice?!

    She got herself involved in a bunch of major messes but still expected other people to clean up after her.

    It's called accountability, lady. Be *accountable* for your actions.

    Alice didn't GAF about what anyone else said or their feelings — she did exactly WHAT she wanted and WHEN she wanted to do it.

    Have you ever thought about the feelings and emotions of others, Alice? HAVE YOU?

    The answer to that is a big ol' NO, because this B was so selfish she only cared about herself. So closed-minded. So self-centered.

    Alice was always harshing everyone else's mellow and killing all the good vibes.

    She didn't even like to read books for God's sake. BOOKS!

    Alice was ALWAYS complaining about something, and if she wasn't complaining then she was crying big, sad tears all over the damn place. Woe is her, amiright?

    She literally almost drowned in her own tears. (But, yet again, was naively SHOCKED that she had caused her own, disappointing fate.)

    Alice was definitely meaner than people give her credit for.

    That sneaky bitch.

    Listen, truth be told, Alice was also a young kid who had plenty of potential to grow up and not be an annoying jerk. Most of us aren't perfect when we're young and in the process of learning about life.

    But damn, Alice as *we* know her...what a mess.

    Such a fucking mess.