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Two Truths And A Lie: Ed Sheeran And Jamie Lawson Edition

How well do you really know these dashing singer-songwriters?

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Ed Sheeran recently started his own perfectly named label, Gingerbread Man Records. And since he's hella talented, he was obviously going to sign another singer who's equally incredible — and that's exactly what he did.

Irish singer-songwriter Jamie Lawson is releasing his self-titled debut album next week — his first single, "Wasn't Expecting That," has already skyrocketed to No. 1 on U.K. iTunes — and his soulful songs are just as heart-melting as Sheeran's.

Both of the guys recently stopped by BuzzFeed New York to play a little round of "Two Truths and a Lie." Can you figure out which fact is actually a lie? It's time to find out.

Fact #1

Fact #2

Fact #3

Fact #1:

Fact #2

Fact #3:

Watch Ed and Jamie share their truths and lies in the video below:

Facebook: video.php

Jamie Lawson's self-titled debut album is out Oct. 16, and you can preorder it now on iTunes.


Jamie Lawson is Irish, and this piece previously stated he was British. Ed Sheeran's "fact" is that he's "grade 8" at piano, but it previously stated "grade A." We apologize, and blame it all on their charming selves making us flustered and confused.