27 Reasons "Scandal" Is The Greatest Show On Television

    1. Olivia Pope

    1. Olivia Pope is on the show.

    2. There are a lot of scenes with Olivia Pope.

    3. Olivia Pope is a badass.

    4. You get to watch Livvie.

    5. There's a crazy talented woman named Olivia Pope.

    6. Olivia Pope is in every episode.

    7. The warrior in a suit Olivia Pope.

    8. Olivia.

    9. Did I mention Olivia Pope?

    10. It stars the queen of the Gladiators Olivia Pope.

    11. Obviously because Olivia is on the show.

    12. Olivia Pope kills it every episode (sometimes literally).

    13. The show revolves around this kick-ass woman named Olivia.

    14. You get to watch Olivia every week.

    15. "I'm a badass." —Olivia Pope

    16. Olivia Pope, lol. DUH.

    17. Because Olivia makes you believe. Gives you hope. Makes you feel strong.

    18. Oh yeah, Olivia Pope is on the show.

    19. You get to watch Olivia kick ass and take names every Thursday.

    20. There's this superstar woman named Olivia.

    21. Because Olivia Pope is terrifying and inspiring at the same time.

    22. Have you heard of Olivia Pope?

    23. Because Livvie is God.

    24. You get to watch Olivia for at least an hour every single week.

    25. Because the Gladiators rule the world.

    26. Ms. Pope.


    Does your favorite TV show have Olivia Pope on it? No? Oh, ok. BYE.

    *Blesses at the altar of Olivia Pope*