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    22 Reasons Why Katherine Pannier Rocks Your World

    Katherine Pannier - animal lover, Snapchat enthusiast, TSwift fanatic - is probably feeling 22 today.

    1. Growing up, Katherine was a sweet, precious, and adorable child.

    2. Though sometimes, she wasn't.

    3. Still, Katherine grew up into a wonderful human being.

    4. Today, she still maintains a healthy interest in happy childhoods...

    5. Especially because Katherine, a lot of the time, would admit some of her childhood innocence remained.

    6. Especially because of certain misconceptions she maintained.

    7. But it's okay, because Katherine is a magical fairy princess - a florescent lightbulb of truth.

    8. She definitely has her priorities straight.

    9. And those priorities are reflected in her relationships.

    10. Katherine is maybe the world's biggest animal lover.

    11. Even ones that aren't hers.

    12. She does some mean animal impressions.

    13. She supports a love of puns.

    14. And she really knows how to brighten your day!

    15. Katherine continually crushes Halloween with impressive commitment.

    16. Katherine boasts the most beautiful hair (that is full of secrets).

    17. You can't forget her legendary Snapchats.

    18. Or her frequent typos that you will keel over laughing at.

    19. No matter the deal, Katherine is always down for shenanigans.

    20. And even though she may overreact sometimes...

    21. KP's been around since the beginning,

    22. And I know she'll be there till the end!

    HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to this beautiful best friend of mine!

    May you be blessed for countless more days of Starbucks just spelling your name wrong.