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This Is What It's Like To Play Pictionary With Comics Professionals

AKA, Jamie McKelvie and Kieron Gillen take a true test of friendship.

When you run into Jamie McKelvie and Kieron Gillen at NYCC there's really only one thing to do. Scheme as hard as you can to get a bunch of beautiful fanart to hang on the walls of your office.

Spoiler: Pictionary did not go as planned, but we're going to frame every single one of these anyway.

We started them off with an easy one.

Kieron Gillen: It's a circle. A ring? Pizza?

Jamie McKelvie: Yes! Second word.

KG: Kangaroo...dog? Dog! Pizza Dog!

JM: Ayyyyyy! Look at this amazing, amazing drawing.

KG: I, certainly, am very impressed.

But things quickly deteriorated when it was Kieron's turn to draw.

KG: Oh god....how the hell am I going to draw this.

JM: Building? House? Flat? Apartment? Book?

KG: I'm going to literally have to go all the way back to first principles. I've literally got to draw the timeline...

JM: Okay, but is that a book? If it's not, I have no idea.

KG: Oh my god, pass, we have to pass. There's no way. The word was yamblr! Like, the intro page to Young Avengers, how do you draw a) draw tumblr, and b) the preamble to Young Avengers? I'd have to go back to explain the book of Young Avengers first -

JM: *grabs sketchbook* This is how I would have done it.

JM: That'd be enough to get Young Avengers and then... how would you draw the comic?

KG: Well you'd draw the flat plan...

JM: No I think I wouldn't focus on the comic, I'd focus on tumblr. I think Young Avengers + tumblr would have been enough for me to guess it.

KG: Really? I had trouble even remembering that we called it Yamblr. I had to take a second to think of whether Yamblr was actually a real thing.

BuzzFeed: I would have attempted to draw a yam and failed.

KG: I can't even draw a yam!

BuzzFeed: I think if you would have drawn the reblog button...

JM: Literally drawing the reblog button right now!

KG: I'd just like to say, this is distinctly harder than what Jamie had to draw.

So next we gave Jamie something a little harder than Pizza Dog.

KG: What's actually the phrase they use in Sex Criminals? Magic porn? I literally can't remember my friend's work.

JM: You're nearly there.

BuzzFeed: Matt Fraction's going to be so mad at you.

KG: Looks like a dog from the side, it just needs little legs.

JM: Wood dog?

KG: Wood dog!

BuzzFeed: It's porn in the woods. I'll give you a half point for that.

JM: Hang on, does he gets points for me being good at drawing and then I lose points for him being bad at drawing?

KG: It's a team effort Jamie!

BuzzFeed: Yes sorry, the team gets a half a point for that.

Kieron went for a different approach on his next clue.

JM: Broken? Is it broken? I have literally no idea what you're trying to draw.

KG: Interesting. I should have just started lower.

JM: Are you trying for a house?

KG: Yeah, this isn't going to work either. This is really interesting and tricky because it requires...if I could draw more realistically I'd be okay wouldn't I?

JM: We're definitely screwed then.


BuzzFeed: That is a clue in itself Jamie.

JM: It won't be enough at this stage. Is it a robot? Oh! Wait, is it the "Take On Me" video?

KG: Yes! "Take On Me".

JM: Unbelievable. *turns back to first page* What the fuck is that?

KG: I was trying to draw someone reaching out of a comic book!

JM: Hold on...that's a HAND?

KG: Yes, these are hands Jamie. Basically I was caught between should I draw more realistically or less realistically? The answer just being, no.

JM: I thought this was a broken tree branch.

KG: I give up on everything.

Then Jamie drew the least shippy version of Civil War to ever exist.

KG: Hat? Robot? Guy Fawkes? Roundheads? Cavaliers? OH! Civil War?

JM: Finally, there we go.

JM: I was going to draw our friend as a roundhead.

KG: Our friend does Civil War reenactments. There's so many pictures of him with pikes.

JM: Our Civil War, not the American Civil War.

BuzzFeed: I was about to say, British people reenacting the American Civil War is so weird. I'm fascinated.

KG: No no, we had our own homegrown one.

JM: Yeah piss off [America], we did it first.

After that, they were finally on a roll.

JM: Lucifer's thumb? I don't think...the fingersnap! KLLK!

KG: *snaps fingers*

JM: I only got it cause he pointed out the thumb.

KG: And also the sound effect coming off the hand! Although to be fair my Lucy sketch was unrecognizable, it could have been anyone.

JM: Exactly! He literally drew that Lucifer for someone earlier so I knew.

BuzzFeed: I'm still gonna frame it. It's original Wicked and Divine art.

KG: Yes, ~very original~ indeed.

Kieron, who was learning from his mistakes, started off the next round by trying to cover all his bases.

KG: Oh wait, no it's Bitch Planet. Non-compliant.

JM: Yes! Good job.

KG: Finally got the series AND the catch phrase.

But even though he was improving, his quiet pleas still went unheard by the Pictionary gods (aka us).

KG: Oh my god.

BuzzFeed: I'll still give you a point if Jamie gets the name instead of the phrase.

KG: I will go for that, give me a half point if he gets anywhere close.

JM: Well that's America [Chavez]. Again, I only recognize this because he drew this sketch earlier for someone.

JM: Oh. OH! Kicking in the butt, but um....international kicker of butt? No! Interdimensional kicker of butt, there it is.

BuzzFeed: Omg, that was beautiful, that was true friendship right there.

KG: Of course [Jamie] actually reads my scripts, instead of being like I don't remember what you wrote Kieron.

JM: I thought it was America immediately, people ask him to do sketches of his favorite Young Avengers characters -

KG: Yes, I do these awful sketches on people's nice books, that's my America.

BuzzFeed: It's iconic, she's really mad and she's got the curly hair.

KG: Thank you, it's all in the eyebrows really.

Before we knew it, it was time for the final rounds. Jamie's went well.

KG: Two singers? No girls allowed? Never On A Sunday? Is that what we called the club [in Phonogram]? Oh wait no, it's the three rules [from Singles Club]. The first rule? It's like....only girl singers? Oh my god, what's the rule? No male vocalists.

BuzzFeed: You're so close.

KG: No boy singers!

JM: Ayyyyyy!

KG: That was pretty terrible, but in my defense, I did write it a long time ago.

As did, surprisingly, Kieron's.

JM: Garfield? Lying Cat!

KG: Good work! You named that cat! This cat's kinda creepy though.

JM: Yeah.

KG: Yeah.

KG: I distrust that cat. I'd burn that drawing maybe.

So there you have it. That's what happens when you play pictionary with two comics professionals.

They'll use the power of friendship to vanquish all.

Final score: 1,000,009 points

+7 1/2 points for correct guesses

+1 1/2 points for gazing directly into the judgmental eyes of Kieron's Lying Cat

+1,000,000 for Kieron's spoopy tie that he showed up to the interview in