19 Times You Fell More In Love With Karen Gillan

    Flawless Ginger Queen of my heart.

    1. When she made faux fast food look delectable.

    2. That time when she battled disinformation victoriously.

    3. When she was appalled by Matt's sweater. J/K she loved it, it too understands the burden that is too kawaii.

    4. That time she just * died * after snagging a selfie with some super famous fans.

    5. When she met Draco Malfoy and was [screaming internally].

    6. That time she showed off her "sci-fi family portrait".

    7. When she revealed the TARDIS looks like behind the scenes.

    8. That time she reminded everyone she was a bad girl at heart.

    9. No for real, Karen's hardcore.

    10. When she was like there's no rule about not instagramming fight club, right Zoe Saldana?

    11. That time she #tbt-ed to double Amy Pond.

    12. When she blessed this proposal at Wizard Con.

    13. When she hoverboarded into your heart.

    14. When she taught us everything she learned on her horror movie, Occulus.

    15. When she dropped the original Eleven and Amelia Pond looks like twin bombs of cuteness.

    16. When she was like no no no, THIS is how you photobooth.

    17. That time she revealed she was also a superhero in training.

    18. When she premiered the official album cover for Karen and the Babes.

    19. When she was like NO HAIR, DON'T CARE.

    Bonus! That time she gave us all this..........legroom.

    Love you, you flawless ginger queen, never change.