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18 Things Perma-Hungry People Are Guilty Of Doing

You won't like me when I'm hungry.

1. You try to only shop at stores that offer free samples.

2. And you have no shame about making multiple laps by the free sample person.

3. While grocery shopping, you can't resist opening something you're going to buy and snacking.

4. Anytime you're not button-busting full, you mistake it for hunger.

5. You die inside anytime someone throws away perfectly good food...

6. ...Or you intercept it before they throw it out and finish it for them.

7. You believe not taking leftover food home from a restaurant should be a punishable crime.

8. God forbid you get hangry, because you will quickly morph into the worst human being on the planet.

9. You have at least one restaurant where someone knows your order off the bat.

10. You're constantly thinking about your next meal.

11. When someone tries to eat off your plate, you feel a burst of fiery rage coursing through your veins.

12. You get the weirdest cravings that your body won't let you forget until you satisfy them.

13. People who know how to cook are instantly more attractive to you.

14. If someone you live or work with makes the mistake of eating your leftovers in the fridge, they will forever be dead to you.

When someone eats the food you hid in the fridge

15. You try not to go to events that don't provide food...

16. ... And you will accept the worst invites purely because they have free food.

17. When someone offers you food, it becomes instantly impossible to stay mad at them.

18. And when you get your hands on something really delicious, you lose sense of all of your surroundings.