21 Ways You Know You're In Friend Love

    This is the real thing.

    1. You text each other the smallest, most insignificant details about your life...

    2. ...yet you never run out of things to talk about.

    3. You know everything about each other's love life and get protective of them with whoever they're dating.

    4. You don't have secrets when it comes to them.

    5. And you'd do some questionable things for them.

    6. You trust them with all your "best" selfies.

    7. There's no such thing as boundaries with them.

    8. You're not afraid to double, or triple, or quadruple text them.

    9. And if they don't text you back after the 17th text you start to think they're dead.

    10. If you fight, it's short-lived and usually ends quickly because you miss talking to each other.

    11. When you spend time apart, you FaceTime or call each other on the reg.

    12. And when you finally do see them, you pick up right back where you left off.

    13. They have complete veto power over anyone you date. If they don't think they're good enough for you — they're probably not.

    14. No one can make you laugh like they do.

    15. They know just what to do when you're in a funk and need help feeling better.

    16. They aren't afraid to call you out on your bullshit.

    17. And you wouldn't dare try to lie to them because you know each other way too well.

    18. You obsess over the same things.

    19. You can be your weird self around them.

    20. Whenever someone hangs out with you two, they can't help but feel like your third wheel (even if it's one of your S.O.s).

    21. Basically, you love each other unconditionally.