21 Ways You And Your BFF Are Just Like Abbi And Ilana From "Broad City"

    Because you're the only person I can really stand.

    1. You've had good times...

    2. ... and you've had bad times.

    3. You have all the same "interests."

    Images via Comedy Central

    Can I put Cards Against Humanity, Netflix, and people watching on my résumé?

    4. You help each other out of sticky situations.

    5. You consider deploying a search party if you go a few hours without hearing from them.

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    You were in a meeting??? You could have at least texted me a salsa dancer emoji so I knew you were OK.

    6. They know your signature "ugly face."

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    *sends Snapchat with as many chins as possible*

    7. You Skype with each other to stay updated whenever you're forced apart.

    8. You stick together. For richer...

    9. ... and for poorer.

    10. You're extremely involved in each other's love lives.

    11. Maybe too involved.

    12. They help you search for your next potential boo.

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    We swipe right together, or we don't swipe at all.

    13. You play matchmaker for each other.

    14. You would walk through fire for each other.

    15. You can't handle the thought of them being closer friends with anyone else.

    Images via Comedy Central

    *refrains from liking Instagram with rival friend in it*

    16. You never, ever, need to filter yourself.

    17. You're each other's biggest fan.

    18. You operate at the same maturity level.

    Images via Comedy Central

    Want to go out? Actually, want to get drunk and go to SkyZone?

    19. You will always defend each other.

    Images via Comedy Central

    What do you mean she can't bring a flask into a baseball game. ISN'T THIS AMERICA?

    20. There's no such thing as coming on too strong.

    21. Basically, you're as close to soul mates as it gets.