17 Times Aziz Ansari Got Real About Life

    All hail Aziz.

    1. When he got real about how women are treated on the street.


    "No dude's every barged up into his friend's apartment in panic, like, 'Oh my god. Dude, I'm so sorry! I didn't know where else to go! I was walking down Third Avenue and this woman just whipped her pussy out at me. And she just started chasing me like, 'Ahhh! Do you want to touch it?' No guy here has a story like that. Every woman here has at least three stories like that."

    2. And when he addressed the ridiculousness of catcalling.


    3. When he broke down what "feminism" really means.


    4. When he called out our generation for ghosting people.


    "Someone likes you and you don't like them back? Just pretend to be busy forever."

    5. When we could relate to his drunk texts on a deep, spiritual level.


    6. When he called out the population as a whole.

    New Wave Entertainment

    7. When he passed judgment when judgment was due.

    New Wave Entertainment

    "Now, I don't dislike anyone based on race, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, anything of that nature. But if you're a white dude in a bar with a backwards baseball hat and a button-down shirt, there's a pretty good chance I fucking hate you."

    8. When he got real about commitment issues.


    9. When he compared our generation to Comic Sans.

    New Wave Entertainment

    "Maybe I'm romanticizing the past, but you think about, like, older generations, you just imagine a different vibe. Like if those generations could be a font, they would be Times New Roman. I look at my generation... We're fucking Comic Sans. You can't take us seriously. We're Comic Sans."

    10. When he compared women to food, but we were OK with it.


    "I know what you're thinking. Wow, Aziz just compared women to tacos. He must not think that highly of women. No, I just think that highly of tacos."

    11. When he talked about how impossible it used to be to cancel plans.


    12. And when he talked about how easy it is now.


    "'Hey, you know I'm feeling a little tired. And, you know, I'm so tired I just don't feel like driving and everything. So, I think I'm just going to stay in tonight.' Oh, you're tired? Did you recently purchase a Flinstones-type vehical where you need to run along? How is this a valid excuse? Hold up! You're too tired to drive? The car moves. You don't do shit. You just sit there."

    13. When he spoke the truth about how much being single can suck.


    14. And when he marveled at how some people get by.

    New Wave Entertainment

    "You go out with people sometimes and you're just like, 'What, you're a person?!" Hold up, you're a person? How? You are so dumb. How are you — how do you pay rent? How do you have a job? How are you paying taxes? How is the world not crumbling at your idiocy?' You meet people so dumb, you're scared for their safety."

    15. When he couldn't fathom how anyone could be against gay marriage.

    New Wave Entertainment

    "I don't see how you can really be opposed to gay marriage at this point. Like, you know you're on the losing side. There's no way it's not going to go through. All the demographics that are really opposed to gay marriage — they're all gonna be dead soon."

    16. When he knew what an abomination salads were.


    17. And basically, when he wasn't afraid to get real on all fronts.
