16 Things That Happen When You're Way Older Than Your Sibling

    Nope, he's actually not my kid.

    1. Strangers are constantly saying, "your son is adorable."

    2. Eventually you both learn to play along with it.

    3. You can't ever physically fight with them because you're too big.

    4. Whenever you drive them around they sit in the back like:

    5. You die inside every time your sibling totally indulges when you take them out.

    6. You enjoy watching people try to figure out how old your parents were when they had both of you.

    7. You get "Ooh that makes sense," if you tell someone they're your half-sibling.

    8. You totally judge your sibling's friends and decide who will be cool/hot/an asshole when they're older.

    9. Whenever you watch their sports games you don't bother being appropriate. That's what your parents are for.

    10. You constantly tell them how when you were a kid you only played outside.

    11. You're scared and slightly impressed by how good they are at technology.

    12. You're constantly schooling them on what good music is.

    13. You remember how hard long division is when they ask you to help them with their homework.

    14. When they don't think you're cool enough to tell you about their crush, you're bummed.

    15. When someone makes fun of them you get incredibly defensive.

    16. But at the end of the day — despite the age gap — you're still BFFs.