This Is How To Contour Like A Kardashian


    We all envy that Kim Kontour. I mean, let's be serious — those are cheekbones from the GODS. So three of us here at BuzzFeed decided to try our best at reaching that Kardashian perfection.

    Step 1: Apply a base coat of foundation.

    Step 2: Shape eyebrows.

    After applying a base foundation, you're ready to start contouring!

    Step 3: Apply highlighter to every spot on your face where the sun would naturally hit: the bridge of the nose, center of the forehead, the cheekbones, the chin, and the Cupid's bow.

    Step 4: Apply the dark contour makeup to the places on the face where there is usually a shadow: the hollows of the cheekbones, around the hairline, the outside of the nose, and along the jawline.

    Step 5: Using a brush or your fingers, blend the highlighter and bronzer.

    Step 6: If you've blended a little too much, add a bit more bronzer to the hollows of your cheekbones to make them really pop.

    Step 7: Add a dramatic eye for that Kardashian fierceness.

    After contouring, you should have that ~Kardashian~ glow.

    Which will obviously make you feel fierce as fuq.

    And of course, take a selfie to document those beautiful cheekbones (and don't forget to post it online for all your fans).