Just So You Know, Women Masturbate Too

    Come out, come out, all the people who have been living under a rock!

    The other day, I encountered a man in the wild who uttered these horrifying words: "Yeah, girls don't really masturbate, though."

    My reaction looked something like this:

    And then a little bit like this.

    So I thought I'd deliver this friendly news flash to anyone who thinks women don't flick the bean...

    We do.

    What's that you say? Your girlfriend doesn't do it?

    Ummmm, she probably does. Seriously. Showers don't take that long.

    What's that you say? You keep her totally pleased and she doesn't need to?

    That may be true. But there's nothing wrong with still having some "me" time.

    What's that you say? It's weird if girls do?

    Nah. Not only is it not weird, it's healthy.

    What's that you say? You don't even get how they do it?

    Well, without revealing too much about solo-lady-time, I'll just say there are a lot of ways. :)

    So for everyone who's been trapped in a bunker or whatever...

    Welcome to 2015. It's a good time to be alive.