17 Flash Fiction Stories You Can Read Right Now

    Tell the whole story. Make it short.

    1. Attributed to Ernest Hemingway.

    2. "Special" by Lydia Davis from The Collected Stories of Lydia Davis.

    3. “Sun Comes Up Again This Morning” by Chris Red Martiny from Six Super Short Short Stories.

    4. "Almost Over: What's the Word?" by Lydia Davis from The Collected Stories of Lydia Davis.

    5. “Love is Forever” by Merrilee Faber from Hint Fiction.

    6. "The Busy Road" by Lydia Davis from The Collected Stories of Lydia Davis.

    7. "Fleeing Complexity" by Jon McGregor from This Isn’t The Sort Of Thing That Happens To Someone Like You.

    8. "Golden Years" by Edith Perlman from Hint Fiction.

    9. "Polygamy" by David Joseph from Hint Fiction.

    10. “Oh, I Felt Like Dust” by Chris Red Martiny from Six Super Short Short Stories.

    11. "Dandelions Actually" by R. Gatwood from One Sentence Stories.

    12. "Collaboration With Fly" by Lydia Davis from The Collected Stories of Lydia Davis.

    13. "Panacea With Marinara Sauce" by B. Mistoda from One Sentence Stories: Tales for the Short Attention Span.

    14. "Tomorrow" by Shruti Parthasarathy from One-Sentence Stories.

    15. "Why I Don't Keep A Daily Planner" by Stace Budzko from Hint Fiction.

    16. "Spring Spleen" by Lydia Davis from The Collected Stories of Lydia Davis.

    17. "Widow's First Year" by Joyce Carol Oates from Hint Fiction.