It's Official: Blue Have Ruled The Dress Is, In Fact, Blue

    So can we now ~please~ move on...

    Friday, 27 February 2015: The day the world went mad about what colour this dress is.

    There was debate, there was confusion, there were even celebrities pitching in with their own ideas about whether the dress was white and gold or blue and black.

    And then it seemed that blue was the true answer.

    But only one group could really know for sure whether the dress is actually blue. (Hi, Blue!)


    And this is what they had to say.

    Thanks for clearing that up, Duncan.

    ~so now we know~

    Watch Blue hilariously debating the colour of the dress in full here.

    View this video on YouTube

    Blue's new album, Colours, will be out on 9 March. And we'll be putting up some fun games we played with them in due course...