Helen Mirren Even Falls Over Elegantly

    Too much grace to handle.

    Helen Mirren was at the premiere of her new movie, Woman In Gold, in Berlin on Monday night looking absolutely flawless from head to toe.

    Although she experienced a faux pas when she tripped up right in front of the photographers. The shame! But come on, she's a dame, she's Helen Mirren for Christ's sake. If you are going to fall over, here's how to do it in style:

    Step One: Finish taking photos and go to walk away looking impeccable.

    Step Two: Lose your footing on your dress/the steps, but don't panic, just attempt to steady yourself.

    Step Three: Fail to steady yourself and actually fall to the ground, but remain looking glamorous as you do so.

    Step Four: Compose yourself and look up to see 10 dozen paparazzi cameras snapping every moment. But smile exquisitely nonetheless, because you're Helen fucking Mirren.

    Step Five: Handle it gracefully, and even flirt at the cameramen with a slight scolding finger.

    Step Six: Start over by correcting your stance and having another flawless photo taken.

    Step Seven: See the funny side, have a little giggle and strut up those stairs like you mean it.

    Step Eight: Then spend the rest of the night posing like a graceful goddess without a single hitch in sight.