18 Emma Watson Items On Etsy You Need In Your Life Right Now

    BRB; just getting out our credit cards.

    1. Emma Watson Devotional Candle

    Yours for £8. Sure.

    2. Or a Saint Emma prayer candle

    3. A huge 8 part Emma Watson wall art print.

    4. In various forms

    5. An Emma Watson signed phone case

    6. A Hermione Granger bookmark

    7. A watercolour painting

    8. Or a pen drawing

    9. Or a picture of her being a horror star

    10. You can even get an original Emma Watson artwork she drew of a treehouse

    11. An Emma Watson glittery heart badge

    12. This Emma Watson silhouette necklace

    13. A T-shirt of Emma Watson's adorable face

    14. Or an Emma Watson notebook

    15. A mug full of Emma Watson

    16. Or a wooden spoon

    17. This Perks Of Being A Wallflower T-shirt

    18. Or a ceramic miniature sculpture of Emma as Hermione.