Definitive Proof Lady Gaga Is Using Ikea As Fashion Inspiration

    Take a wander around Ikea, you'll see her everywhere.

    Just look at all these items Lady Gaga's been copying.

    1. This lamp.

    2. This chair.

    3. Even Ikea's baskets.

    4. And rugs.

    5. These cushions.

    6. And curtains.

    7. Festive decorations.

    8. And shower curtains.

    9. From highchairs.

    10. To this kids' dining set.

    11. More rugs.

    12. Mats.

    13. Hanging lights.

    14. And shower mats.

    15. To button-printed fabric.

    16. And even this spatula.

    Idea courtesy of Leanne Mullineux at Hope&Glory PR.