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    What Should We Call Me - Life In Advertising Version

    Yet another tumblr of gifs to inhibit're welcome.

    1. when I’m waiting on the word to descend upon the leftover client meeting food

    2. when the client says, “Wait, wait. You’re saying you can upload videos to facebook?”

    3. when most of the office is on a juice cleanse and I’m not

    4. when the client doesn’t have any feedback

    5. when performance review time is fast approaching

    6. when the designer writes a headline that’s better than mine

    7. leaving the office for paid time off

    8. when the guy sitting at the desk across mine chews just loud enough to hear

    9. when I’m told to “run with it”

    10. when I’m waiting for someone to compliment my clever copy

    11. leaving the office on Friday