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    Orange Is The New Black Characters Reimagined With Different Hairstyles

    Different hair don't care.

    1. Piper Chapman

    2. John Bennett

    3. Stella Carlin

    4. Galina "Red" Resnikov

    5. Yoga Jones

    6. Larry Bloom

    7. Wanda Bell

    8. Poussey Washington

    9. Alex Vause

    10. Leanne Taylor

    11. Joe Caputo

    12. Sister Jane Ingalls

    13. Tiffany "Pennsatucky" Doggett

    14. Suzanne "Crazy Eyes" Warren

    15. Joel Luschek

    16. Nicky Nichols

    17. Lorna Morello

    18. Norma Romano

    19. Carrie "Big Boo" Black

    20. George "Pornstache" Mendez