18 Tweets For Anyone Who Has A Fear Of Pooping In Public

    Don't worry, you're not alone.

    1. You have to worry about the threat of technology.

    2. Sometimes that shit acts up.

    3. Public bathrooms can be scary.

    4. You have to weigh the pros and the cons.

    5. Because what if someone finds out.

    6. Or what if ~shit~ goes wrong?

    7. What if it ruins your chances of ever finding love?

    8. Some people just can't do it.

    9. Because what if THIS happens...

    10. Or THIS:

    11. For the brave, there is a method to the madness.

    12. Unless you fuck up.

    13. But the legend goes that once you actually try it you feel better.

    14. Everyone hopes for a perfect experience.

    15. But then there are those times when you could potentially kill someone.

    16. Often the risk isn't worth the reward.

    17. But there are some heroes who have your back.

    18. Because let's be real, pooping in public feels wrong.