18 Pictures That Perfectly Sum Up Becoming An Adult

    ...when you completely finish a roll of dental floss.

    1. When you lose your sweet tooth.

    2. Or until you lose you sweet tooth.

    3. When you FINALLY start flossing.

    4. Just jury duty period.

    5. When you make lunch to save money.

    6. When you finally have endless choices.

    7. When appliances become toys.

    8. When you turn chores into games.

    9. And when sponges really do it for you.

    10. When shopping is a joy instead of a pain.

    11. And everything becomes a "hack".

    12. And monsters take on a completely different shape.

    13. Like bills...

    14. Texts get replaced with emails.

    15. Multi-tasking takes on a whole new form.

    16. The most practical things bring joy to your heart.

    17. You finally understand why your mom loved that song so much.

    18. Most importantly, you know you're and adult when love and pleasure become two totally different things.