
Kevin E.

Things I Have: A sense of humor. A soft spot for animals. A complete lack of musical ability. A perfectly normal amount of scar tissue. An imperfect amount of humility. Something that seems like dorkiness. A great recipe for penne amatriciana. The courage of my convictions. Some illustrated books on dinosaurs. Both Elmer's Glue and Crazy Glue. Intermittently excellent taste. An old Army blanket my grandfather brought home from WW II. A great camera. A cool sports car. A Dyson vacuum cleaner. Four stylish wristwatches. Several pairs of old, misshapen cowboy boots. An autographed copy of "Greetings from Asbury Park." A tattoo that even most of my friends don't know about. A dozen or so bottles of excellent wine. My original hairline. Some light mayonnaise. A beautiful niece and nephew. A deeper-than-average sense of time and place. Some new socks. A glass mug full of pennies. A four-day pass to Comic Con. Half the wit it takes to solve many problems. Memories from several mountain hikes that help me fall asleep at night . . . and memories from a trip through Rwanda that still keep me awake. A couple of glass paperweights I made in college. Patience and/or stubborness. An encyclopedic knowledge of film. Vibrant feelings tempered with good critical thinking skills. Great cologne. A healthy level of body fat. An appreciation of Monet. Battalion-strength intolerance of intolerance. The uncanny ability to pick out a great gift. Photoshop CS4. Too many books. A martini shaker shaped like a penguin. A knack for making words do tricks. Inconspicuous ambition and determination. The kind of self-assurance that is sometimes confused for dorkiness. The desire to make the world a better place. The need to continue to be a better person . . . .

Dec 2009
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