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    Things Every Mom Needs.

    Mother's Day was yesterday. I bought my Mom some magnets for her screen door and a very thoughtful card. I wish I had known about this website before today. Mother's Day would have been so much cooler. Sorry, Ma.

    The website "Every Mom Needs" has some pretty good ideas. While some are obviously gender biased (for example, this), most of them are just ridiculous. Remember when Mom was happy with some weeds you thought were flowers and a card with your handprint and some chewing gum on it? Not anymore!

    First up, stuff for your kids!

    Every Mom needs coffee, you guys.

    Moms also need wine.

    Moms need Dads/2nd Moms to help out more...

    Moms needs rings for a variety of reasons...

    Finally, every Mom needs super expensive stuff she doesn't have room for!