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    When It's Your Last Semester Of College

    Seniors, the end is near. College is temporary, but reaction GIFs are forever.

    You're almost an official adult now.

    People are starting to ask what your "next step" will be.

    You're planning all of the amazing things you'll be able to do post-grad.

    But things are moving pretty fast...

    Each milestone you hit feels more and more alarming.

    Your adviser is asking you how your senior thesis is coming...

    ...and your parents want to know if you'll be moving back home.

    Your last semester is flying by!

    But at least you have your friends to comfort you...

    You may have no career plans in place or any money to spend...

    ...but you feel better knowing that you *probably* have it together more than some of your classmates.

    So chin up, seniors!

    Enjoy your last few months of school, and know that you've got time to get your life in order.

    Cheers to soon having a college degree!