21 Photos People Who Skipped Science Won't Understand

    Bunsen burners, cornstarch, and way more potatoes than you'd think.

    1. Putting a blob of boring ink on some paper and watching it turn into a beautiful rainbow.

    2. Creating life from just a bean and a damp paper towel in a jar.

    3. Setting magnesium on fire and creating the brightest light known to man.

    4. Opening a Bunsen burner all the way up and feeling like such a rebel.

    5. Throwing a quadrat as far as you could and then spending half an hour counting blades of grass.

    6. Being mesmerised by the pretty colours during a flame test.

    7. Getting a TI-83 calculator to do entirely unscientific things.

    8. Rushing to be first in the queue for this, or standing well back because you didn't want to mess up your hair.

    10. Sucking the straw on an insect pooter and praying you don't end up with a fly in your mouth.

    11. Never being able to remember what the colours mean on a litmus test.

    12. The number of eggs that lost their lives in egg drop experiments.

    13. Trying really hard to push the south poles of two magnets together.

    14. Then using the magnets to make cool patterns with iron filings.

    15. Getting through an untold number of crocodile clips during electronics.

    16. Being excited but also a bit terrified on liquid nitrogen day.

    17. Making a dog instead of a water molecule or whatever you were supposed to be doing.

    18. Ruining perfectly good potatoes just to check for starch.

    Obviously it contains starch, it's a potato.

    19. Using 90% of the dry ice to create a spooky effect on the lab bench and 10% for the experiment you were actually supposed to be doing.

    20. Putting your hand in this magical gloop.

    21. And finally, trying to get electricity from a potato.

    When they say potato make electricity