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17 Important Things Science Taught Us In 2013

Bee superpowers, living in a pretend spaceship and a mammal that has sex until it falls apart. 2013 was a rollercoaster ride of a year for science.

1. Bees can sense the electric fields of flowers.

2. There are over 1000 exoplanets that (almost) definitely exist.

3. There's an insect that has gears.

4. There is roughly 2 pints of water in every cubic foot of soil on Mars.

5. You can use a blue whale's wax earplug to work out its life history.

6. Interstellar space sounds kind of eerie.

7. Climate change is definitely happening.

8. Sometimes you have to wait three years for an intergalactic neutrino, then 28 turn up at once.

9. Seahorse's heads are perfectly adapted to stealthily stalk their prey.

10. A new carnivorous mammal that was discovered in Colombia is possibly the cutest thing ever.

11. Sometimes not finding something can be almost as useful as finding it.

12. Living in a pretend spaceship can get you down.

13. It's possible to grow something that looks remarkably similar to a developing brain in a lab.

14. There's a mammal in Australia that has sex until it disintegrates.

15. If a meteor falls in Russia, lots of videos of it will be available because everyone has dashboard cameras in their cars.

16. The US and the Soviet Union are not the only countries that can send a rover to the moon.

17. The Milky Way has four arms, not two.

Turns out its hard to tell what a galaxy looks like when you're living inside it.