14 Things Everyone With Vitiligo Is Tired Of Hearing

    Yeah, I know Michael Jackson had this disease.

    1. "What is that?!"

    2. "You know Michael Jackson had that, right?"

    3. "Is it contagious?"

    4. "It looks gross."

    5. "Are you a burn victim?"

    6. "What happened there?!"

    7. "You look like a cow!"

    8. "You look like one of those psychological ink blot tests."

    9. "I knew [insert random person here] with that."

    10. "Can you fix it?"

    11. "Is it genetic?"

    12. "Is your mom black and your dad white or something?"

    13. "When did that start happening?"

    14. "So is it, like, everywhere – if you know what I mean?"